Coppe at Engie Day
Planeta COPPE / Institutional News / Low Carbon / News
Date: 19/09/2024

What are the environmental and economic contexts of climate change? It was to debate this topic that Coppe/UFRJ’s director, professor Suzana Kahn participated in Engie Day.
The event held at Museu do Amanhã last wednesday, 18/9, was promoted by Engie Brasil to understand how energy transition occurs in practice, how Brazil deals with climate change, what the economic and socio-environmental impacts of these changes are and how society can contribute to mitigation.
Professor Suzana participated in the debate with Flávia Teixeira (Engie Brasil’s Sustainability manager), Juliana Falcao (Brazilian National Confederation of Industry – CNI), Guilherme Spaggiari (Ambev) and Luiz Gustavo Bezerra (Tauil & Chequer Advogados) Coppe’s director highlighted that a lot has been said regarding energy transition, but that what we are experiencing is an accelerated technological transition: “a risk to those – governments and/or companies that don’t invest in technological innovation”.
The panel addressed the state of the art as well as future perspectives on technological innovation, bottlenecks and workforce training for the low-carbon economy, the geopolitical scenario, and much more.
Engie is a French conglomerate, the second largest one in the world within the energy field, according to the Fortune magazine, and acts in the generation and distribution of electricity, natural gas and renewable energy. In Brazil, where it has been present for over 20 years, Engie is the largest private producer of electrical energy in the country. The group has 90% of its installed capacity in the country coming from clean, renewable sources with low greenhouse gas emissions.
- Climate Change