Coppe, Petrobras, CUP and CNOOC secure partnership
Planeta COPPE / Institutional News / News
Date: 28/11/2024

Coppe/UFRJ, Petrobras, the China University of Petroleum (CUP-Beijing) and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) signed on this Thursday, November 28th, a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The agreement established the basis of a long term cooperation between the parties and the creation of a Brazil-China Center for Science, Technology and Innovation.
Through the agreement, a directing committee shall be created with the participation of two representatives of each company or institution.
“Technological development nowadays takes place in such a fast way, constantly tasking us with many new and different challenges, which makes cooperation between different academic institutions and companies essential. This is the goal of our four party agreement. We intend to start our joint committee immediately in order to identify our joint priorities regarding research and development”, explained Coppe director, professor Suzana Kahn.
The signing took place at Petrobras headquarters, in downtown Rio de Janeiro, and the ceremony was attended by Petrobras’ Executive Officer for Exploration and Production (E&P), Sylvia Anjos; by the president of CNOOC Brazil, Huang Yehua, and by the vice president of CUP, Zhang Guangqing, in addition to other executives and representatives of the four institutions.
- Innovation