Coppe professor launches book titled “Propriedades Físicas dos Materiais”
Planeta COPPE / Metallurgical and Materials Engineering / News
Date: 31/10/2024

On Monday, November 11th, the book “Propriedades Físicas dos Materiais” [Physical Properties of Materials] will be launched, written by professor Sérgio Camargo Júnior, from Coppe/UFRJ’s Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Program. The work contains concrete examples and exercises on the subject, filling an important gap in the realm of scientific literature in Portuguese.
In the preface, three renowned professors in the field of Materials highlight the importance of the book for students and professionals: UFRJ professor, Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz who is also president of the Brazilian Physical Society and director of the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory, USP-São Carlos professor, Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira, who is a former president of the Brazilian Materials Research Society and PUC-Rio professor, Fernando Lázaro Freire Jr.
The launch, with a book signing session by professor Sérgio Camargo, will be held from 11h30 a.m. to 1h30 p.m., in room 220 of Block F, at Centro de Tecnologia, UFRJ, Cidade Universitária.