Coppe receives visit from Springer Nature’s editor
Planeta COPPE / Mechanical Engineering / Ocean Engineering / News
Date: 13/09/2024

Neuroscientist Eduardo Goldani, one of Springer Nature’s chief editors, one of the largest academic publishers in the world, visited Coppe/UFRJ last Thursday, September 5th.
Springer Nature has in their portfolio a vast catalog of scientific journals, books and periodicals, among them, Marine Systems & Ocean Technology and Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (check out below), whose chief editors are, respectively, the director for Academic Affairs, professor Jean-David Caprace, from the Ocean Engineering Program (PEnO) and professor Marcelo Savi, from the Mechanical Engineering Program (PEM).
According to professor Jean-David Caprace, having Coppe professors in these positions is naturally important to the institution. “It is important to the internationalization of our research, to the visibility of studies about our national problems”. Furthermore, Jean-David highlights that maintaining national periodicals edited in english, hosted on prestigious platforms, “is a recognition of Coppe’s excellence and this is positively reflected in Capes’ Assessment and also in attracting good students”, concluded professor Jean-David.
“It is an arid and important work to our Mechanical Sciences community in general, with an interface with other Engineering areas such as Ocean, Aeronautical, among others”, described professor Marcelo Savi, who recently (july) took on the position of chief editor, alongside professor Angela Nieckele from PUC-Rio.

Learn more about the journals:
Marine Systems & Ocean Technology is the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering (Sobena) and its articles approach themes such as hydrodynamic and structural analysis of fixed and floating marine systems, underwater technology, robotics, computational methods and environmental studies.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering is the official journal of the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences (ABCM) and approaches themes such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, dynamic, structural mechanics, advanced materials, nonlinear phenomena, thermodynamics, heat transfer and craft production.