Coppe welcomes representatives from the China University of Petroleum
Planeta COPPE / Civil Engineering / Energy / Institutional News / Mechanical Engineering / News
Date: 27/11/2024

After the signing of a broad set of agreements between Brazil and China presidents, Lula and Xi Jinping, Coppe welcomed, this Tuesday, November 26th, a delegation from the China University of Petroleum (CUP). The Chinese professors got together with Coppe director, professor Suzana Kahn, and director for academic affairs, professor Jean-David Caprace, and visited the Enhanced Oil Recovery Laboratory (Lrap+) and the Acoustics and Vibration Laboratory (Lavi).
As part of the strengthening of scientific and academic ties in the Sino-Brazilian cooperation, Coppe and CUP discussed research themes of common interest. “That’s why we visited Lrap+, which has expertise in the use of tomography and X-ray computed microtomography applied in rock samples, in the analysis of porous media for a greater use of the service life of oil wells and also for carbon capture and storage (CCUS), and Lavi, which has know-how in acquisition, analysis and processing of acoustic and vibration signals”, explained professor Suzana.

During the visits to Coppe’s laboratories, the Chinese delegation, led by professor Linlin Wang, was welcomed by professors Alexandre Evsukoff, Paulo Couto and Thiago Ritto. Due to the interest demonstrated by the CUP delegation, a new visit was scheduled for 2025 in order for them to get to know other Coppe laboratories.