Pesquisadores do Cern recebem mensagem de pesar pelo falecimento do professor Zieli

Planeta COPPE / Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação / Engenharia Elétrica / Engenharia Nuclear / Notícias

Data: 31/10/2022

Os pesquisadores que participam da colaboração científica internacional no Atlas, o maior experimento de detecção de partículas do Cern, o principal laboratório de física de partículas do mundo, receberam nesta segunda-feira, 31 de outubro, uma mensagem comunicando o falecimento do professor da Coppe/UFRJ, Zieli Dutra Filho, ocorrido na semana passada, e expressando pesar.

Em 1987, Zieli foi um dos pioneiros da parceria estabelecida entre a Coppe e a Organização Europeia de Pesquisa Nuclear (Cern), junto com os professores Luiz Calôba, Antonio Carneiro de Mesquita Filho (ambos do Programa de Engenharia Elétrica), Ana Regina Rocha e Jano Moreira (ambos do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação). O professor do Programa de Engenharia Nuclear da Coppe liderou as pesquisas visando a construção de um calorímetro hadrônico para o detector de partículas Atlas.

Confira, abaixo, na íntegra, o comunicado assinado pelo coordenador da Colaboração Atlas, Andreas Hoecker, pelo porta-voz da colaboração que opera e desenvolve o calorimetro hadronico (Tilecal), Oleg Solovyanov e pelo professor José Manoel de Seixas, do Programa de Engenharia Elétrica da Coppe e coordenador da equipe brasileira no Atlas.

It is with enormous sadness that we communicate the passing of Professor Zieli Dutra Thomé Filho on 24th of October.

Zieli obtained his PhD in Physics in 1974 and became full professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1985, working in the fields of particle physics, reactor physics, nuclear physics as well as perturbative methods. He initiated UFRJ’s collaboration with CERN in 1987 and first participations in the DELPHI experiment at LEP and the SPACAL project (Scintillating Fibre Calorimetry at the LHC). As vice-director of Brazil’s leading engineering graduate institute COPPE, Zieli conducted the association with the ATLAS collaboration from the beginning, together with UFRJ’s physics institute, resulting in the formation of the ATLAS Brazil Cluster, which now comprises four universities in three Brazilian states. Zieli became the first UFRJ-ATLAS group leader and signed the 1992 ATLAS Letter of Intent (as Z.D. Thomé). He initiated the first UFRJ contributions to the Tile Calorimeter, the analog trigger tower adders, which were produced by the Brazilian industry.

Between 2003 and 2005 Zieli was President of Eletronuclear, the Brazilian company responsible for generating nuclear energy. He was furthermore active in numerous other research and development projects, always promoting innovation and motivating people to seek solutions to challenging problems. He was an exceptional leader of multidisciplinary teams.

We are going to miss his energy at work and his friendship, and remember the inspiring moments we shared together.

Os pesquisadores que participam da colaboração científica internacional no Atlas, o maior experimento de detecção de partículas do Cern, o principal laboratório de física de partículas do mundo, receberam nesta segunda-feira, 31 de outubro, uma mensagem comunicando o falecimento do professor da Coppe/UFRJ, Zieli Dutra Filho, ocorrido na semana passada, e expressando pesar.

Em 1987, Zieli foi um dos pioneiros da parceria estabelecida entre a Coppe e a Organização Europeia de Pesquisa Nuclear (Cern), junto com os professores Luiz Calôba, Antonio Carneiro de Mesquita Filho (ambos do Programa de Engenharia Elétrica), Ana Regina Rocha e Jano Moreira (ambos do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação). O professor do Programa de Engenharia Nuclear da Coppe liderou as pesquisas visando a construção de um calorímetro hadrônico para o detector de partículas Atlas.

Confira, abaixo, na íntegra, o comunicado assinado pelo coordenador da Colaboração Atlas, Andreas Hoecker, pelo porta-voz da colaboração que opera e desenvolve o calorimetro hadronico (Tilecal), Oleg Solovyanov e pelo professor José Manoel de Seixas, do Programa de Engenharia Elétrica da Coppe e coordenador da equipe brasileira no Atlas.

It is with enormous sadness that we communicate the passing of Professor Zieli Dutra Thomé Filho on 24th of October.

Zieli obtained his PhD in Physics in 1974 and became full professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1985, working in the fields of particle physics, reactor physics, nuclear physics as well as perturbative methods. He initiated UFRJ’s collaboration with CERN in 1987 and first participations in the DELPHI experiment at LEP and the SPACAL project (Scintillating Fibre Calorimetry at the LHC). As vice-director of Brazil’s leading engineering graduate institute COPPE, Zieli conducted the association with the ATLAS collaboration from the beginning, together with UFRJ’s physics institute, resulting in the formation of the ATLAS Brazil Cluster, which now comprises four universities in three Brazilian states. Zieli became the first UFRJ-ATLAS group leader and signed the 1992 ATLAS Letter of Intent (as Z.D. Thomé). He initiated the first UFRJ contributions to the Tile Calorimeter, the analog trigger tower adders, which were produced by the Brazilian industry.

Between 2003 and 2005 Zieli was President of Eletronuclear, the Brazilian company responsible for generating nuclear energy. He was furthermore active in numerous other research and development projects, always promoting innovation and motivating people to seek solutions to challenging problems. He was an exceptional leader of multidisciplinary teams. 

We are going to miss his energy at work and his friendship, and remember the inspiring moments we shared together. 

José Manoel Seixas (for the ATLAS UFRJ Group)
Oleg Solovyanov (for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Project)
Andreas Hoecker (for the ATLAS Collaboration