Engineering Transforming Brazil
até 22/10/2024
Horário: 8am
Local: Hotel Pestana na Avenida Atlântica, 2964, Salão Parati, Copacabana Rio de Janeiro, RJ

The Brazilian National Academy of Engineering (Ane), with the support of the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro (Faperj), will hold the seminar “Engineering Transforming Brazil”. The event will take place on October 21st and 22nd, at Hotel Pestana, in Copacabana, in Rio de Janeiro, and will be coordinated by professor José Roberto Boisson de Marca from PUC-Rio; and professor Edson Watanabe from Coppe/UFRJ’s Electrical Engineering Program.
The goal of the event, which will feature professors from various Coppe programs, is to discuss the challenges and tendencies that engineering will face in the following years due to climate change, the speed of technological development and population growth. The point is how can engineering contribute to a more sustainable future.
For further information about the agenda and subscription, access the form.