“Nova Indústria Brasil” and Brazilian Science & Technology
Horário: 10:10 a.m.
Local: Auditorium André Rebouças, room 220, block D, at Centro de Tecnologia da Cidade Universitária.

“Nova Indústria Brasil and Brazilian Science & Technology” is the theme of the lecture to be given, on October 17th, by Fernando Peregrino, office chief at Finep and former executive director of the Coppetec Foundation.
This event aims to highlight how study and research centers, such as Coppe/UFRJ, can boost the Nova Indústria Brasil (NIB) Program, launched by the federal government in January of this year.
With a focus on industrial innovation and modernization, NIB brings together important agents responsible for promoting innovation in Brazil, such as Finep, BNDES and Embrapii. The program, which foresees investments of R$ 300 billion during the course of four years, aims towards making the national industry more competitive and healthy, facing the challenges of the 21st century.
Promoted by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ and supported by Coppe/UFRJ, the event will be held on October 17th, at 10:10 a.m. in Auditorium André Rebouças, room 220, block D, at Centro de Tecnologia da Cidade Universitária.