PESC Seminar on the history of computer science pays homage to professor Jayme Szwarcfiter
Horário: 11:00
Local: Room 324B, block H, at Centro de Tecnologia - UFRJ

Coppe/UFRJ’s Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program (Pesc) will promote next Wednesday, October 9th, at 11 a.m., the PESC Seminar (Seminário PESC). With the theme “A history of Computer Science, from its beginnings to the present day”, the event will be in honor of professor Jayme Szwarcfiter, who was recently contemplated with a renowned international award in the area of Operational Research.
During the event, a historic overview of Computer Science will be presented, since its beginnings to the present time. The approach revolves around the central character of Computer Science, which is the computer itself, and shall involve the stages covered by science until today’s development. A special emphasis shall be dedicated to Brazilian computer science history.
Conducted by Pesc/Coppe professor Abilio Pereira Filho, the seminar will take place in room 324B, block H, at Centro de Tecnologia (UFRJ), and broadcasted on Pesc’s YouTube channel.