Webinar: Technologies and challenges in forest fire management

Next Wednesday, February 19th, Coppe/UFRJ’s Technology Transfer Center (NTT) shall host the webinar “Technologies and challenges in forest fire management”. The event will gather specialists to discuss and present different technological solutions to prevent, fight and mitigate forest fires.
The lecture will feature the participation of Professor Renata Libonati, from the Environmental Systems Applications Laboratory (Lasa) at UFRJ; Digital Technology specialists Niccolò Comini and Felipe Spina, from the World Bank Group; and Bruno Lintomen, head of the Tijuca National Park fire brigade and co-directed by ICMBio..
The event is part of the preparations for the Silvanus Project meeting, which is an integrated platform for the management of forest fires, with a contribution of researchers from Coppe, in response to the alarming increase in frequency and intensity of these fires around the world.
The webinar will be broadcast live from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the YouTube channel of Coppe’s Civil Engineering Program. Don’t miss out! Access and follow: YouTube Pec/UFRJ.