Coppe professors will receive the ALIO medal
Planeta COPPE / Systems Engineering and Computer Science / News
Date: 18/07/2024

Emeriti professors Jayme Szwarcfiter and Nelson Maculan, from Coppe/UFRJ’s Systems and Computer Engineering Program (Pesc) will receive the ALIO Medal, of the Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Investigación Operativa (Latin-Ibero-American Association of Operations Research).
The professors were recognized due to their numerous contributions in the research and teaching area, and the medal will be awarded in October, in Guadalajara, Mexico, during the association’s congress – CLAIO.
Professor Jayme is being honored in this 2024 edition of the awards, while professor Maculan shall receive the medal for having been recognised in the previous 2022 edition, during the pandemic.