Coppe professors participate in workshop on ocean and fluvial energy
Planeta COPPE / Blue Economy / Ocean Engineering / News
Date: 04/09/2024

Coppe/UFRJ professors Suzana Kahn and Marysilvia Costa, as well as professors Segen Estefen and Milad Shadman, participated this Wednesday, september 4th, in the VI Workshop promoted by the National Institute of Science and Technology for Ocean and Fluvial Energy (INEOF), an event organized by Coppe’s Offshore Renewable Energies Group (GERO); by the Institute of Electric Energy of the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA); and by the Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering (SOBENA).
Coppe’s director, professor Suzana Kahn, professor Segen Estefen from the Ocean Engineering Program (PEnO) and the director of the National Institute for Oceanic Research (Inpo) were present during the workshop’s opening session. Coppe’s Director for Technology and Innovation, professor Marysilvia Costa, and professor Milad Shadman (PEnO), participated in the second and fourth panel of the day.
On its first day, the event approached themes such as: The role of the Ocean in Energetic Transition; Policies and Expectations in ST&I for Ocean Energy; Ocean Monitoring; Energy Storage in Energetic Transition.
On Thursday, the 5th, the themes discussed will be the following: The Energetic Potential of tidal and fluvial currents; Technologies in the Energy Generation on Rivers and the Ocean; Impacts of Climate change on Ocean Energy Projects; The Challenges in Integrating Renewable Ocean Energies in the Interconnected System. The event is being broadcast on INEOF’s YouTube channel and the videos will remain available.