Coppe professors will participate in the Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Planeta COPPE / Civil Engineering / News
Date: 31/10/2024

Professors Marcio Almeida and Maria Cascão, from Coppe/UFRJ’s Civil Engineering Program, will participate in the 17th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (PANAMGEO 2024), that will be held in Chile from the 12th to the 16th of November.
Marcio Almeida will be one of the main speakers (Keynote Lecture), in which he will discuss the theme “Offshore Geotechnical Solutions: From Advanced Physical Modelling To Applications”.
Maria Cascão Ferreira de Almeida, who is also a professor in the Department of Structures at the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, will give a short course on Physical and Numerical Modeling of Geotechnical Problems. The activity shall be carried out in conjunction with professors Marcio Almeida and professor Fernando Saboya, from the State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro (UENF).
PANAMGEO aims to promote the dissemination of knowledge about Geotechnical Engineering and fruitful interactions among researchers and practitioners from different generations and nationalities who work in the area. Alongside this event, the 2nd Latin-American Regional Conference of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) will be held. For further information access