Coppe to receive an award for Education in SDGs with projects for literacy and clean shores
Planeta COPPE / News
Date: 09/04/2024

The Letramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos (Literacy for Youth, Adults, and the Elderly) and Orla Sem Lixo (Clean Shore) projects will receive tomorrow, April 4, the Selo ODS Educação 2023 award (2023 Seal for Education in SDG), in a ceremony promoted by UFRJ.
“We are contributing towards a future in which a whole demographic that has been made invisible ceases to be so, becoming fully integrated citizens with better opportunities”, celebrates Denise Dantas, who is the education coordinator of the Letramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos project at Coppe/UFRJ.
For Susana Vinzon, a Professor of the Marine Engineering Program (PENo) at Coppe and coordinator of Orla Sem Lixo, an initiative conceptualized by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, this award helps disseminate the project and values the collective commitment to revitalize the shore. “It means the acknowledgement of our efforts to restore Ilha do Fundão and Baía de Guanabara and an incentive to continue on this path”, she explains.
In total, there were 360 awarded projects from about 40 educational institutions, 38 of which were projects of UFRJ .
Conceived by the Selo Social Institute in a partnership with the UnB 2030 Program and the Civil Society Working Group for the 2030 Agenda, this SDG Education award is a certification that stimulates the effective participation of educational institutions in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The end goal is to increase the impact on SDG 4 (Quality Education).
The awarding ceremony for the 38 outreach projects will be held at the Praia Vermelha campus, UFRJ. The event is open to the entire UFRJ community, but it is requested to confirm attendance here beforehand.
About Projeto Letramento
This project aims to bring literacy to any and all people who did not have the opportunity to complete primary and/or lower secondary school, as well as to provide a more solid foundation for those who had to interrupt their studies and to give them more security so that they can return to formal education.
About Orla Sem Lixo
Orla Sem Lixo is a project by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ that brings together a multidisciplinary team with more than 20 researchers from many diverse research areas. It aims to develop solutions in intercepting, collecting, transporting, and recycling in an easily replicable, low-cost, and effective process that engages with and includes the local community. Its proposal is to prevent areas of shoreline degradation and transform the floating waste from the production chain into an opportunity, while also ensuring the economic and environmental sustainability of the solution.