Science Exhibitions

Permanent Exhibitions

Location: Technology Center of UFRJ, Ilha do Fundão, along the corridor on the ground floor of Block I

Espaço COPPE Miguel de Simoni, located at COPPE (Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering) in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), is an environment dedicated to stimulating and disseminating science and technology. Under the coordination of Professor Cláudia Maria Lima Werner, we promote communication and education on various fields in engineering, science, and technology via interactive exhibitions, practical demonstrations, and educational activities. With a name in honor of one of the founders of COPPE and an outstanding Brazilian engineer, this hub connects the advanced academic research carried out at our Institute with the community in general, including students, professors, other workers, and interested visitors.

By promoting a dynamic approach to the dissemination of scientific knowledge, the Espaço COPPE hub works as a showcase for innovation and technological advancements. It has the mission of making the new productive results of our laboratories known, thus contributing to raising awareness on the importance of technology and science in Brazil. In addition to its Permanent Exhibitions, whose purpose is to promote a culture of science and technology, this hub also organizes temporary exhibitions and scheduled guided tours for public and private schools. This entire initiative aims to train students and teachers, stimulating awareness and combating technological illiteracy in our country.

To learn more or schedule a visit, check the Espaço COPPE website.

Coppe-UFRJ exhibition shows scientific contributions to society

See below some of the science exhibitions promoted by Coppe: