Project aimed at increasing female representation in STEM areas has won an award

It is estimated that only one woman for every four men will secure a job in the STEM area – acronym formed by the initials of the words science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Despite the efforts to increase female representation, there are still gaps in almost every country in the world.

In all stages of girls’ and women’s lives, since elementary school, there is a discouragement towards the pursuit of science-based careers. For example, toy models, reading, movies and other cultural practices are related to gender roles that are socially established.

The “Heroine’s Learning Journey” project, developed by researchers from Coppe’s Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program (Pesc), brings an important contribution to the training of young women, between the ages of 15 and 21 years old, in order to enable them to improve their abilities and motivate them to act in the STEM areas.

With a model considered innovative to revolutionize learning, the Heroine’s Learning Journey project won third place in the “2024 SBC Innovation Seal” [Selo de Inovação SBC 2024] contest. Promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), the contest had its final held this Monday, the 22nd, during the Society’s congress.Led by Pesc/Coppe researchers Luis Felipe Coimbra Costa and Yuri Lima, the project has as its goal to reduce gender inequality in the STEM areas, with a special focus on computer science. It was presented by master’s degree student Larissa Galeno. Learn more about the project.

Coppe professors will receive the ALIO medal

Emeriti professors Jayme Szwarcfiter and Nelson Maculan, from Coppe/UFRJ’s Systems and Computer Engineering Program (Pesc) will receive the ALIO Medal, of the Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Investigación Operativa (Latin-Ibero-American Association of Operations Research).

The professors were recognized due to their numerous contributions in the research and teaching area, and the medal will be awarded in October, in Guadalajara, Mexico, during the association’s congress – CLAIO.

Professor Jayme is being honored in this 2024 edition of the awards, while professor Maculan shall receive the medal for having been recognised in the previous 2022 edition, during the pandemic.

Nine innovative Coppe projects selected for chinese competition

Nine innovative research projects, developed at Coppe, with a high level of technology readiness were approved to participate in an industrial innovation competition in China. The competition, promoted by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), was opened to companies, research institutes, technological parks and universities from the countries that constitute Brics+.

The nine projects were presented to MIIT representatives this wednesday, july 10th, in the Conexão Coppe-l area. On the occasion, Coppe researchers presented their projects, in the “pitch” format, on themes such as robotics, industrial automation, carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS), green hydrogen production and other low carbon technological applications.

In august, a committee of specialists will select 200 finalist projects, 40 to each of the five thematic areas of the competition:

  •  “Artificial Intelligence – Advanced Language Models”,
  •  “Intelligent Manufacture – Intelligent Equipments”,
  • “Green Industries – Low carbon Technologies and Applications”,
  • “Low Altitude Economy – General Aviation”
  • “Energy Electronics Eletrônica – Photovoltaics and New Energy Storage”

The final selection will be carried out in a combination of online and in person activities, including roadshows, defenses and assessments by specialists. There will be prizes for the three best projects in each area. The winning projects will be announced on the official website after the Organizing Committee’s approval.

The award ceremony will take place within the scope of the Brics Partnership Forum on the New Industrial Revolution.

Check out the video below of the arrival of the Chinese delegation and the meeting carried out at Coppe-I.

For the first time in Brazil, Coppe welcomes international colloquium on deep drilling

Coppe/UFRJ welcomed last week the 6º International Colloquium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Deep Drilling Systems.

Carried out in Brazil for the first time, the event was coordinated by professors Thiago Ritto and Daniel Castello, from the Mechanical Engineering Program, and by professors Balakumar Balachandran (Maryland University, USA); Emmanuel Detournay (Minnesota University, USA); and Nathan van de Wouw (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands).

There were 18 presentations by invited researchers, a panel about the challenges in the research of deep drilling dynamics and a technical visit to the Acoustics and Vibrations Laboratory [Laboratório de Acústica e Vibrações](Lavi).

The presentations highlighted that in order to satisfy the increasing demands on drilling practices, new advances require collaborative efforts in diverse research areas, including computer science, dynamic systems, nonlinear structural vibrations, geomechanics, drilling technology and control theory.

The event was promoted by the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences (ABCM) and had the sponsorship and support of Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ),  Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Capes), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the companies Tomax, SLB, Halliburton and ExxonMobil.

International reach: Coppe participates in global Offshore events and MoU signing in Asia

The month of June was marked by Coppe’s participation in two events that reunited, in Asia, the main international names on the offshore market.

From June 9th to the 14th, a committee of professors and researchers from different programs at Coppe/UFRJ were present at the 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE), held in Singapore.

The professors present were Jean-David Caprace; Marcelo Igor; Milad Shadman; Murilo Vaz; and Segen Estefen; Theodoro Antoun (all from the Marine Engineering Program) and Luís Sagrilo, from the Civil Engineering Program. The conference, organized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), brought strong bias towards sustainability and energy transition, and Coppe’s researchers did presentations on sustainable decommissioning, offshore power generation, blue economy, carbon capture and storage, pipelines and offshore asset corrosion.

On the 17th and the 18th, professors Jean-David Caprace; Milad Shadman; Murilo Vaz; and Segen Estefen participated in the 3rd China-Brazil Forum on Offshore Technology, held in Shenzhen (China). The professors addressed the research and development works of the Ocean Structures Core Laboratory (NEO), the Simulation Laboratory of Shipbuilding Processes (Labsen), the Offshore Renewable Energies Group (GERO) and the National Institute for Oceanic Research (Inpo).

At the forum, professor Jean-David Caprace presented papers on the role of machine learning in the monitoring of asset corrosion in the offshore industry and on incorporating uncertainties into subsea pipeline decommissioning.

Furthermore, Coppe signed on June 28th a memorandum of understanding (MOU)  with the China-Latin America and Caribbean Technology Transfer Center (CLTTC). The agreement has a three year long duration and foresees joint activities, like training sessions, conferences, forums, symposia and research projects in several areas, in order to promote the exchange and diffusion of technological innovation.

Welcome to Coppe/UFRJ

Institutional Folder presenting the main areas, programs and contributions to teaching, research and development in the country.

Rede Refugia will be launched at Coppe, connecting migrants, refugees and humanitarian organizations

On Friday, June 28th, a digital platform called Rede Refugia will be launched which consists of an innovative initiative destined to transform the way migrants, refugees and organizations connect and collaborate with each other in Brazil. Developed from research carried out at the Center for Engineering Studies and Research on Disasters (Ceped) from Coppe’s Industrial Engineering Program (PEP), Rede Refugia is another example of an initiative that was born in the academic environment, evolved itself and is now having an impact on society.

“Rede Refugia materializes the knowledge developed at the institution. The university is working towards coming up with solutions to humanitarian and social issues” explained Estevão Leite, Coppe’s doctoral student. “The tool’s goal is to potentialize the mutual collaboration between migrants, refugees and other actors involved in the refugee crisis in Brazil”.

According to data disclosed by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare), 58.628 applications for refugee status were filed in 2023, coming from 150 countries. The main applicant nationalities were Venezuelan (50,3%), Cuban (19,6%) and Angolan (6,7%).

Research carried out in 2021 by the UN Refugee Agency (ACNUR) identified that the main challenges faced by refugees in Brazil are: generating income, insecurity, violence, access to housing, water, sanitation, hygiene, healthcare and education. Hundreds of refugees were interviewed for the research and reported a lack of information on opening a microenterprise, accessing specialized health services and about available vacancies in the education system, among others.

“Mutual collaboration between refugees, asylum seekers and migrants is a process that already occurs to a greater or lesser extent, according to the interpersonal relationships established between the subjects. Rede Refugia innovates with the purpose of boosting community integration and collaboration, making it easier to access information regarding shelter, public services and humanitarian aid from non-governmental organizations” explains Estevão.

The launching event will be carried out in the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Auditorium, in classroom G-122, G block, at UFRJ’s Technology Center (CT) at 9a.m., and will feature conversation circles, cultural presentations and gastronomical experiences by migrants and refugees from several different countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Venezuela and Syria.

Subscription is required to participate, which can be done free of charge through the link below:

Nature: Emissions from international shipping can be reduced by up to 86%

Coppe/UFRJ researchers are among the authors of an international study on maritime shipping decarbonization. The article International shipping in a world below 2 °C was published on May 22 on the Nature Climate Change website. Professors Roberto Schaeffer, Alexandre Szklo, Joana Portugal-Pereira, and Pedro Rochedo and PPE (Energy Planning Program) researchers at the Cenergia laboratory, Eduardo Müller-Casseres (lead author of the paper), Luiz Bernardo Baptista, and Rebecca Draeger, are among its authors.

The article will be published in the print edition of Nature Climate Change this June and indicated that international maritime transport has a high level of technological inertia, revealing the need for investments in low-carbon fuels, new engines, and new infrastructure (for storage and supply) to prepare the sector for the transition to renewable energy.

The study is the result of an international collaboration involving several integrated assessment models (IAMs) and demonstrated the potential to decarbonize maritime transport, with a reduction of up to 86% in annual emissions by 2050 after implementing low-carbon fuels. The authors highlight how important it is to implement a renewable energy portfolio, with fuels ranging from drop-in biofuels, renewable alcohol fuels, and green ammonia to conventional marine fuels, and reiterate the concept of green corridors for sustainable shipping practices.

According to researcher Luiz Bernardo Baptista, the study was motivated by a recurring international discussion among researchers about the need to “zoom in” on hard-to-abate sectors. “Is international maritime transport difficult to decarbonize or are we not paying enough attention?” This question motivated the lead author’s doctoral thesis and studies on integrated assessment models, such as Coffee (an IAM model developed by Coppe), and how they would behave with changes in the variables for maritime transport.

“We and five other research groups from different countries have the support of the Navigate project, funded by the EU2020 European fund, and we are working together to analyze the decarbonization goals that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set for 2050”, he added.

According to Bernardo, some of the reasons that classify maritime shipping as a hard-to-abate sector are the long service life of an operating fleet and its high replacement cost. “It takes about 25 to 40 years to decommission ships, similar to large power plants. By implementing drop-in fuels – straight or hydrotreated vegetable oil, biodiesel (FAME), among others – there is no need to replace the existing fleet”, he explained. He also pointed out that there are challenges in fuel storage and distribution logistics, as they are different depending on the country.

“Brazilian gas stations have no difficulty having ethanol fuel because it is common in our country. Our supply chain is prepared for it because there was a political decision to do so. Studies and goals need to be revisited, otherwise decisions cannot be made and the window of opportunity to reduce emissions in a timely manner will become narrower. We need to regard feasibility under a critical lens”, he added.

New lactation room inaugurated by Coppe students

Students from the Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN) at Coppe/UFRJ have inaugurated, on May 13, the Center of Parental Care. Its facilities consist of a comfortable environment for breastfeeding or expressing breast milk.

This idea comes from the current need to offer a proper and safe place for mothers and fathers who are also students and researchers of the PEN. The proposal was approved from its conception by the coordination of the PEN, who made sure that the room was available and that it was duly prepared for the activities to come. The implementation process for this room took the opinions and needs of students and researchers into account and successfully guaranteed that they were met.

“Many mothers end up quitting their studies because they do not have a support network or an appropriate place to change diapers and breastfeed”, says the PEN student representative Thais Hauradou.

Initially, the place will be used by the mothers and fathers of the PEN and DNC (Department of Nuclear Engineering) at the Polytechnic School/UFRJ, due to the size limitations of the lactation room.

It is located in Room 200, Block G, of the Technology Center at UFRJ, and has been equipped with a minibar for storing baby food, a nursing chair, a baby highchair, a crib, and a changing table. It also includes fun and educational toys, as well as a set of children’s chairs and table for activities.

Occupational Health and Safety: a series of news articles outlining Coppe’s actions and projects

April 28 is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. It defines a moment of reflection on the importance of developing a safe and healthy workplace.

COPPE/UFRJ has a commitment comprising collective efforts within its institutional and academic agendas to meet the growing need for emotional care, continuous monitoring to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses, and developing applied research projects to improve the health and safety of workers in various sectors.

Please check the three news articles below for more information on Coppe’s actions to implement a safety culture and promote wellbeing in the workplace.

Green April

April 28 is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, established in 2003 bythe International Labor Organization, but it is also the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured. What used to be a day of mourning for the dead has become a day of fighting for life and for proper work conditions.

Data from SmartLab – Observatory for Workplace Health and Safety reveal 612,920 reported occupational accidents in Brazil in 2022. The figures cover only the population with formal employment relationships, meaning that informal work was not taken into account.

Over the last decade, many institutions, companies, unions, and government agencies have embraced the cause with the Green April campaign, raising awareness among workers and employers on the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Although not yet officially enacted by the federal government, Green April (Abril Verde) is a bill (PL 1063/2022) proposed by Senator Paulo Paim (PT/RS), pending in the Federal Senate.

This campaign is, therefore, an opportunity for companies and organizations to review their workplace safety policies, procedures, and practices, encouraging transparency and corporate responsibility.

Coppe Researchers from the Production Engineering Program develop new ergonomic solutions

Among the many initiatives at Coppe to improve staff wellbeing, its researchers have developed and increased workplace safety with many applied research projects in companies from the most diverse sectors.

The Ergoproj (Laboratory of Ergonomics & Projects) is a laboratory from Coppe’s Production Engineering Program (PEP) that carries out Ergonomic Workplace Analysis and Safety Culture Maturity assessments in oil platforms, refineries, thermal power plants, gas treatment units, vessels, and warehouses. According to the coordinator of Ergoproj, Professor Francisco Duarte, their goal is to improve existing safety practices such as accident analysis, feedback, and reflective practices that build trust between working teams and their managers at a strategic level to eliminate organizational silence, which is considered to be the number one enemy of safety.

With the knowledge of how onboard operational teams work, they seek to develop new ergonomic solutions and innovative projects for oil platforms. “We can say that for the first time, ergonomics is a discipline in projects ranging from initial stages (basic project) to full implementation after detailed studies”, explains Professor Francisco.

The Ergoproj team has also been contributing to the safety of operations in oil platform decommissioning projects, a new challenge for the Brazilian offshore industry.

Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary area that studies the human-machine-workplace interaction, playing a crucial role in preventing musculoskeletal injuries, fatigue, stress, and other work-related health problems. Understanding and optimizing this interaction is essential to ensure not only workplace safety but also worker wellbeing and productivity.

Ergoproj is a result of Coppe’s institutional and academic agendas and a part of its efforts to meet the growing need for emotional care, continuous monitoring to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses, and developing applied research projects to improve the health and safety of workers in various sectors.

Please check the news articles below for more information on Coppe’s actions to implement a safety culture and promote wellbeing in the workplace.

Acolhe Coppe records an 88% increase in the search for psychosocial care

Risk Management studies at Coppe to improve accident prevention strategies

Risk Management studies at Coppe to improve accident prevention strategies

To ensure safety and regulatory compliance in the workplace, the Coppe/UFRJ Department for Occupational Safety, Environment, and Health Management (GSMS) is currently mapping risk areas, safety resources, and evacuation procedures of the institute’s physical spaces to prevent incidents and accidents. According to Tharcisio Fontainha, Coppe’s Deputy Director for Institutional Development and Planning, the goal is to ensure the safety of people and to correctly estimate the necessary resources to achieve it.

It includes the continuous monitoring of fire extinguishers so that they are always in a suitable condition for use. In 2002, the Institute prepared 13 new projects and reviewed 43 existing projects for escape routes, emergency lights and beacons, and fire extinguishers, among others, along with detailed descriptive reports of its environment, contributing to a more effective crisis response.

That same year, the GSMS carried out training sessions in fire extinguisher handling and good practices in Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protection Equipment (CPE) in laboratories and classrooms. Those who took the training acquired essential knowledge to ensure personal and collective safety in daily activities within the institution.

The GSMS played yet another major role in the removal of chemical waste from laboratories. In 2022, they collected 4.2 tons of chemical waste, promoting environmental responsibility and preventing improper waste disposal.

“We also have a project to implement a chemical sharing system between laboratories. Products discarded by a laboratory may be useful as inputs for other laboratories”, explains Professor Tharcisio. He also states that Coppe is developing contingency plans against adverse situations in partnership with the Firefighters Corps and other agencies. “Our goal is to standardize, improve, and formalize the procedures to follow in case of accidents”.

The former Fire Brigade of Coppe, which was part of the GSMS organizational chart until 2023, is now under the command of UFRJ.

The GSMS is a result of Coppe’s institutional and academic agendas and a part of its efforts to meet the growing need for emotional care, continuous monitoring to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses, and developing applied research projects to improve the health and safety of workers in various sectors.

Please check the news articles below for more information on Coppe’s actions to implement a safety culture and promote wellbeing in the workplace.

Acolhe Coppe records an 88% increase in the search for psychosocial care

Coppe Researchers from the Production Engineering Program develop new ergonomic solutions

Acolhe Coppe records an 88% increase in the search for psychosocial care

Since 2020, with the creation of the Acolhe Coppe Center for Psychosocial Care, Coppe has expanded its attention beyond regulatory compliance, embracing a more comprehensive approach to workplace wellbeing. This project consists of a multidisciplinary team with psychologists, art therapists, an integrative therapist, and a social worker. The services include brief individual psychological care, a support group, and an art therapy group, along with integrative and complementary practices (PICS), such as reiki, chromotherapy, reflexology, auriculotherapy, floral therapy, and aromatherapy. In 2023, the project recorded a total of 885 workers who sought emotional care, an increase of 88% when compared to 2022, with a great demand for integrative practices and art therapy.

“The high demand for emotional care seems to reaffirm the importance of a safe, qualified, and ethical intra-institutional space to care for and monitor the emotional health of workers and students using validated scientific techniques that have already been widely recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)”, says the technical coordinator of Acolhe Coppe and psychologist Josiane Barros.

In 2023, Acolhe Coppe developed other projects in partnership with Coppe’s HRM, such as the project Preparing for Retirement, a new approach to psychosocial care with qualified listening and in line with the Brazilian Statute of the Elderly to promote healthy aging. Another example is psychoeducational projects that include outsourced workers from the cleaning teams, focusing on integration, appreciation, belonging, and overcoming harassment, among others.

Acolhe Coppe is a result of Coppe’s institutional and academic agendas and a part of its efforts to meet the growing need for emotional care, continuous monitoring to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses, and developing applied research projects to improve the health and safety of workers in various sectors.

Please check the news articles below for more information on Coppe’s actions to implement a safety culture and promote wellbeing in the workplace.

Risk Management studies at Coppe to improve accident prevention strategies

Coppe Researchers from the Production Engineering Program develop new ergonomic solutions

Coppe researchers develop softwares for connected car security

Privacy has become a critical aspect in the development of vehicle connectivity technologies due to the massive data collection of many different services and devices.

Modern electric vehicles have sensors that generate large amounts of information on the status and operating conditions of their components, their location, their most frequent routes, and driver behavior, among other data. Based on the collected data, the automotive industry can develop a variety of competitive applications that bring their product much closer to the driver’s style.

This equation has been studied in depth by researchers from the Research Group of Teleinformatics and Automation (GTA) at Coppe/UFRJ, who are developing an innovative software architecture with the collaboration of researchers from the Laboratory of Alternative Energy Sources (LAFAE) and the participation of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC) at USP, Stellantis, and the startup company Mobway.

This research is part of the AVADiP project (Vehicle Applications with Privacy-Preserving Distributed Learning), which includes structuring the architecture for any data collection application while guaranteeing the user’s privacy.

Coordinated by GTA/Coppe Professor Miguel Elias Mitre Campista, the project was approved in 2023 with the Priority Program for Vehicle Connectivity led by the UFMG Support Foundation (Fundep), which is part of the National Program for Green Mobility and Innovation (MOVER). The goal is to stimulate investment and strengthen Brazilian companies in the automotive industry by developing and applying new and more sustainable technologies.

The project meets the ever-increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and is expected to last for three years, by the end of which it will provide the automotive industry with computational tools for new machine learning models that enable users to protect personal data they do not want to share. Professor Miguel Campista from the Electrical Engineering Program at Coppe explains that even though the proposal is to study two applications of AI, the resulting architecture can enable several other applications that will enhance generated data usage by connected vehicles in the ecosystem consisting of services and public interfaces.

According to him, the input of any machine learning system is the data generated from user behavior, which is collected and stored in the cloud to be used by the automotive industry when developing applications, as a competitive way to have a product that is much better adapted to each driver.

Furthermore, the project has three simultaneous work streams, starting with data collection and management with technical support from Stellantis and two of their vehicles, one of which was recently made available at the end of January, being fully electric and currently located at Coppe. “Our first challenge is to produce and store data to train the application models. For this initial stage, data collection is being implemented via an offline test bench. In addition, we are simultaneously developing machine learning models while maintaining privacy and software architecture. In the later stages, when we have stored enough data, we will integrate all work streams into a single system”, he explains.

Two new applications will be developed based on the resulting software architecture. The first one will identify vulnerable users near the vehicles. The second one, in turn, will predict battery health and electric vehicle range. Both applications are affected by driving patterns and use models generated by machine learning algorithms with distributed data acquisition architecture.

Coppe implements a hybrid electric-hydrogen bus for testing in urban environments

The researchers at the Coppe/UFRJ Hydrogen Laboratory (LABH2) welcomed, last Wednesday, April 10, a delegation from the Local Government of Maricá and discussed the details of the hybrid electric-hydrogen bus and its implementation in the city of Maricá. This vehicle was developed in partnership with Coppe and the company Tracel Industrial.

Led by the Undersecretary for Economic Development of Maricá, Magnun Amado, and the Director of Innovation and Science at the Maricá Institute of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ICTIM), Ciro Torres, the delegation also visited Coppe’s laboratory facilities and traveled around the Cidade Universitária campus aboard the vehicle that will be traveling in Maricá over the next few months during the real-world testing period.

Brazilian and French companies have already shown their interest in manufacturing the vehicle. Last month, during the 8th Brazil-France Economic Forum, the Secretary for Economic Development of Maricá, Igor Sardinha, and the coordinator of LABH2, Professor Paulo Emílio Valadão de Miranda, signed a memorandum of understanding with the president of the French company HYFIT, Bertrand Ciavaldini, and the director of the Brazilian company Ydrogenio, Pedro Henrique Kool Monteiro, expressing the interest of these companies in the industrialization of hybrid electric-hydrogen buses in Maricá.

Coppe to receive an award for Education in SDGs with projects for literacy and clean shores

The Letramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos (Literacy for Youth, Adults, and the Elderly) and Orla Sem Lixo (Clean Shore) projects will receive tomorrow, April 4, the Selo ODS Educação 2023 award (2023 Seal for Education in SDG), in a ceremony promoted by UFRJ.

“We are contributing towards a future in which a whole demographic that has been made invisible ceases to be so, becoming fully integrated citizens with better opportunities”, celebrates Denise Dantas, who is the education coordinator of the Letramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos project at Coppe/UFRJ.

For Susana Vinzon, a Professor of the Marine Engineering Program (PENo) at Coppe and coordinator of Orla Sem Lixo, an initiative conceptualized by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, this award helps disseminate the project and values the collective commitment to revitalize the shore. “It means the acknowledgement of our efforts to restore Ilha do Fundão and Baía de Guanabara and an incentive to continue on this path”, she explains.

In total, there were 360 awarded projects from about 40 educational institutions, 38 of which were projects of UFRJ .

Conceived by the Selo Social Institute in a partnership with the UnB 2030 Program and the Civil Society Working Group for the 2030 Agenda, this SDG Education award is a certification that stimulates the effective participation of educational institutions in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The end goal is to increase the impact on SDG 4 (Quality Education).

The awarding ceremony for the 38 outreach projects will be held at the Praia Vermelha campus, UFRJ. The event is open to the entire UFRJ community, but it is requested to confirm attendance here beforehand.

About Projeto Letramento

This project aims to bring literacy to any and all people who did not have the opportunity to complete primary and/or lower secondary school, as well as to provide a more solid foundation for those who had to interrupt their studies and to give them more security so that they can return to formal education.

About Orla Sem Lixo

Orla Sem Lixo is a project by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ that brings together a multidisciplinary team with more than 20 researchers from many diverse research areas. It aims to develop solutions in intercepting, collecting, transporting, and recycling in an easily replicable, low-cost, and effective process that engages with and includes the local community. Its proposal is to prevent areas of shoreline degradation and transform the floating waste from the production chain into an opportunity, while also ensuring the economic and environmental sustainability of the solution.

Coppe to host MIT Center in the city of Rio de Janeiro

Coppe/UFRJ will host the Senseable Rio Lab (SRL), a branch of the MIT Senseable City Lab in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which is a laboratory specialized in digital technologies and urbanism. The agreement is the result of a partnership between the Local Government of Rio de Janeiro and the Senseable City Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and was signed today, April 4, at the Rio de Janeiro City Hall.

The MIT, or Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is one of the world’s leading centers for research in science, engineering, and technology. Its alumni and professors have been awarded 98 Nobel prizes (the best known of which is Richard Feynman, the father of quantum physics) and hundreds of them have won major technology awards.

Senseable World Labs is a family of global cities that address humanity’s greatest challenges through the creative use of new technologies.

As a founding member of the Senseable World initiative, the Senseable Rio Lab (SRL) is a five-year collaborative project between the city of Rio de Janeiro and MIT’s Senseable City Lab.

The main purpose of the laboratory is to promote, for five years, new resources and methods of articulating knowledge about the city of Rio de Janeiro to improve the quality of life of its residents as an outcome of the critical scientific research it develops. During this execution phase, Rio de Janeiro will be used as a living laboratory, with the resulting experiments and prototypes being conducted and implemented in the city.

SRL will operate at Coppe’s Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering (Lamce), implementing innovative methodologies that will allow technological advancements in data-driven approach, field research, and research on tools to improve public policies and urban projects for the Rio de Janeiro. The bench-level tests will focus on four research pillars: urban informality, artificial intelligence, urban modeling, and solutions that aim to make Rio de Janeiro a more equal and carbon-neutral city by 2050.

In order to promote the urban development specifically of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the SRL has outlined a number of initial research protocols of academic interest. The main project is called Favelas 4D and uses 3D laser scanning technology to analyze the urban morphology of favelas, with the purpose of making urban informality visible to enable improvements in the public actions of the local government. To this end, it will research digital means of detecting, analyzing, and managing informal settlements to improve health quality and the environment, as well as other development opportunities as enabled by the data and tools in question, such as improvements in housing and regularization of such informal settlements.

The SRL initiative will initially recruit six full-time MIT researchers who will focus on Rio de Janeiro, half of which will be working in loco, while the other half will stay at the headquarters in Boston (USA). During the project, MIT will engage with students from across the Rio de Janeiro region, providing knowledge about the methods and tools the city needs to enable future generations to lead urban transitions.

Coppe’s Director, Professor Suzana Kahn, says that this partnership will allow for all the institution’s expertise in digital transformation to be used towards improving urban quality of life and preparing cities for the climate crisis.

Applications open for new faculty positions at Coppe

Applications are open until June 11 for the civil service exam for tenure-track faculty at UFRJ. Out of the total offered openings, 13 are for new faculty at Coppe.

“It has been a long time since the Ministry of Education opened so many positions for federal universities. Here at Coppe, this exam supplies our faculty with new talent and maintains its excellence, which is one of our hallmarks, while also preparing our institute for the future”, says Professor Jean-David Caprace, Director of Academic Affairs at Coppe.

UFRJ often ranks as the leading Brazilian federal university in international university rankings, and Coppe is an academic unit for education in Engineering with the highest number of grades 6 and 7 (maximum grade) awarded by Capes, meaning academic excellence comparable to the best institutions worldwide. In addition, Coppe has the biggest Latin American laboratory park in Engineering, with over 130 high-level laboratories.

The exam involves a few phases. Applications for the first phase can be made until 11:59 pm on June 11, 2024. Click here to sign up, apply for the exam, print the payment slip, and keep track of your application.

The exam dates and other deadlines corresponding to each opening will be disclosed in due course, according to the specific schedule of each academic unit in charge of the respective opening, on the website of the Assistant Rector’s Office for Personnel (PR-4) of UFRJ.

Below are the Programs with faculty openings and their corresponding research areas.

Rules on Application Approval and Exam Phases for Coppe

Criteria for Exams in a Foreign Language (CD) – amendment
Criteria for Exams in a Foreign Language (CD)
Resolution on Evaluation and Accreditation – CAD
Complementary criteria for application approval and evaluation of titles and work for Class A Faculty.

Contact Information:

Título: Ensino Híbrido: Desafios e perspectivas nas engenharias e no ensino básico
Contato do

Resumo: A pandemia da COVID-19 impôs uma transição drástica do modelo padrão de ensino, para aulas estritamente virtuais, e tem exigido um grande esforço para preparar e oferecer cursos aos alunos, seja no ensino universitário ou no ensino básico, pois poucos estavam preparados para lidar com as tecnologias de ensino online. Passados meses após o isolamento, não tem sido trivial a transição do presencial para o virtual, principalmente na manutenção da qualidade das disciplinas oferecidas neste novo formato. Uma lição foi aprendida neste processo: é necessário investir de forma permanente na implementação de tecnologias inovadoras/eficientes no melhoramento dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Neste sentido, este projeto visa a dar apoio à rede pública de ensino, seja no âmbito do ensino básico ou do ensino de engenharia em outras universidades, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo é o desenvolvimento de recursos e cursos em formato híbrido, incorporando técnicas de aprendizado ativo, sala de aula invertida, multimodalidade, etc.

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TítuloEscola Piloto em Engenharia Química Prof. Giulio Massarani
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Resumo: A Escola Piloto Presencial (EPP) em Engenharia Química surgiu em 1993, no PEQ/COPPE, e é uma ferramenta de atualização e de educação continuada, bastante útil para professores de ensino médio e de graduação, mas também muito procurada por estudantes e técnicos, além de empregados da indústria em geral. Nesta proposta da EPP desta edição serão oferecidos 10 módulos: TÉCNICAS AVANÇADAS DE CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE MATERIAIS (DIVIDIDA EM 10 SUB-MÓDULOS) ensina técnicas de ponta para caracterização de diversos de tipos de materiais, discutindo o fundamento das técnicas e exemplificando com dados reais. Os módulos são: Módulo 1: Técnicas espectroscópicas (FTIR, DRIFTS, RAMAN e UV-Vis) Módulo 2: Ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) Módulo 3: Difração de raios x (DRX) Módulo 4: Espectrômetro de Massas e Redução à Temperatura Programada (MS e TPR) Módulo 5: Cromatografia por permeação em gel (GPC) Módulo 6: Análises de tamanho de gotas e partículas Módulo 7: Técnicas cromatográficas gasosa e líquida – Uma visão de Troubleshooting Módulo 8: Elementos de caracterização de petróleo Módulo 9: Análises térmicas – TGA, DSC e DMA Módulo 10: Biotecnologia no Cotidiano.

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TítuloLaboratório de Informática e Sociedade – LabIS
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Resumo: O LabIS veio se configurando ao longo de uma caminhada que remonta aos trabalhos e investigações da linha de pesquisa em Informática e Sociedade (IS) do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação (PESC) da COPPE/UFRJ. Uma linha de pesquisa há tempos em busca de um Brasil ainda por inventar, movida pelo desejo de compreender a realidade brasileira para colaborar com a construção de um país mais justo e equânime. Trabalhamos com a produção de software de acessibilidade (LibrasOffice), jogos educativos (Damática), bancos comunitários (Mumbuca e Preventório) e oferecemos cursos de programação para estudantes da rede pública do ensino médio.

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TítuloLetramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos da COPPE/UFRJ
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Resumo: O Letramento de Jovens, Adultos e Idosos da COPPE/UFRJ é um projeto aberto a todo aquele que não é alfabetizado e aquele que não teve acesso ou não concluiu os estudos no Ensino Fundamental na idade escolar referente. Foi criado em 2005 pela Assessoria de Desenvolvimento Social da COPPE, a partir de uma pesquisa com os servidores e trabalhadores terceirizados que atuavam em atividades de limpeza e serviços gerais. A pesquisa foi ampliada para outras unidades e setores da Universidade. Hoje o Projeto tem como aluno servidores da UFRJ e terceirizados que, em sua maioria, trabalham no Centro de Tecnologia, e cidadãos moradores do entorno da Ilha do Fundão, principalmente da Vila Residencial e do Complexo da Maré. As aulas são ministradas no Centro de Tecnologia para as turmas de Letramento Básico, Intermediário e Avançado. E acontecem de segunda a sexta feira, de 15 às 16:30 horas.

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TítuloPolímeros para o setor de petróleo e gás – Aditivos
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Resumo: A ação contempla aulas teóricas e demonstrativas e obtenção, caracterização e propriedades em solução dos polímeros, além de suas aplicações como aditivos na indústria do petróleo.

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TítuloPolímeros: aplicações e uso consciente
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Resumo: A reciclagem de plásticos é um tema importante, visto que mais de 60% de todo plástico produzido já virou resíduo e apenas 9% foi reciclado em todo mundo. No Brasil os dados são ainda mais alarmantes. O relatório apresentado pelo WWF recentemente afirma que o Brasil é o quarto maior produtor de resíduos plásticos do mundo e recicla menos de 2% desse montante. Contudo, políticas de reciclagem e educação ambiental ainda são precárias e pouco divulgadas, e a disseminação de informações que tornam os plásticos vilões fazem com que o banimento desses materiais seja cada vez mais desejável. No entanto, vale lembrar que os plásticos são polímeros de alto valor agregado, baixo custo de produção e muito versáteis, e quando reciclados podem ser reinseridos na cadeia produtiva, possibilitando a produção de novos materiais, além de alavancar o setor energético. Dessa forma esse projeto visa instruir e incentivar alunos de escolas públicas e privadas a serem multiplicadores dos conceitos de reciclagem em suas escolas, famílias e comunidade. Onde palestras e atividades lúdicas serão realizadas, de forma virtual, incentivando o descarte correto ou reutilização de resíduos plásticos, evitando que esses resíduos sejam descartados em lugares impróprios.

Site onde os trabalhos realizados pelo projeto de extensão são divulgados
Instagram do Grupo EngePol (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ), onde todos os nossos trabalhos e laboratórios são divulgados, inclusive os do projeto de extensão

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TítuloPrograma de Incubação de Empreendimentos Populares – Inovação Social dos Processos de Incubação de EES
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: A ITCP/COPPE vem atuando, desde a sua criação, no apoio aos Empreendimentos Populares. Desenvolve ações que vão de encontro às necessidades das classes populares e dos setores informais, que historicamente ficam à margem das ações sociais desenvolvidas pelo Estado. Hoje novas técnicas e ferramentas são requeridas para enfrentar os novos desafios que se apresentam. Esta proposta visa investigar metodologias inovadoras de incubação, que propiciem o aperfeiçoamento das atividades dos empreendimentos incubados, dando continuidade às ações desenvolvidas pela ITCP/COPPE. A implantação das novas metodologias desenvolvidas permitirá melhorar a qualidade dos Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários – E. Site da Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares – ITCP/COPPE/UFRJ 

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TítuloEspaço COPPE Miguel de Simoni
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: A atividade central deste projeto é a visitação guiada a exposição do Espaço COPPE, realizada predominantemente por estudantes do Ensino Médio da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Os grupos de estudantes realizam as visitas acompanhados por professores das escolas de origem. O ambiente dos espaços de divulgação científica e tecnológica, como o Espaço COPPE, pode proporcionar elementos-chave de fomento à motivação intrínseca do aprendizado – por exemplo: construção de significado pessoal, tarefas desafiadoras, colaboração e sentimentos positivos sobre os esforços realizados e, portanto, são potenciais indutores da formação de vínculos novos, por vezes mais intensos. Site do Espaço COPPE  

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Resumo: O Curso tem por objetivo a elaboração, implantação, manutenção, melhoria contínua e auditorias internas de sistemas de gestão da qualidade segundo requisitos das normas NBR-ISO:9001 e implantação de boas práticas de gestão segundo os critérios definido no Modelo de Excelência em Gestão (MEG) da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (FNQ). O curso está vinculado ao Programa FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS.

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Resumo: O Curso tem por objetivo a elaboração, implantação, manutenção, melhoria contínua e auditorias internas de sistemas de gestão da qualidade segundo requisitos das normas NBR-ISO:9001 e implantação de boas práticas de gestão segundo os critérios definido no Modelo de Excelência em Gestão (MEG-TR) preconizada pela SEGES do Ministério de Economia). O curso está vinculado ao Programa FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS.

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TítuloUBUNTU.lab – Programa de inovação aberta em cidades inteligentes para a redução da desigualdade racial no Rio de Janeiro

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Resumo: O Projeto BRA/15/010 – Fortalecimento e Expansão do Sistema Nacional de Promoção da Igualdade Racial é uma ação entre o Ministério da Mulher, da Família e dos Direitos Humanos (MMFDH) e o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) com o objetivo de descentralizar as políticas públicas de igualdade racial e fortalecer e expandir o Sistema Nacional de Promoção da Igualdade Racial (Sinapir). A Fundação COPPETEC foi uma das entidades selecionadas através do projeto U.lab para apresentar a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro um laboratório de inovação governamental a ser replicado como política de promoção da igualdade racial no âmbito de implementação do Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Município desenvolvido pelo Escritório de Planejamento da Secretaria Municipal da Casa Civil (EPL). No âmbito do Sinapir, o presente projeto tem o objetivo de entregar ao município do Rio de Janeiro, um programa de inovação governamental que coloca o jovem negro como protagonista da tecnologia capaz de promover o bem-estar no seu dia a dia.

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TítuloUnidade de Suporte à Inovação Social – USIS
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Resumo: A atividade apoia inovações sociais como chave para o desenvolvimento. O USIS/ UFRJ – Unidade de Suporte à Inovação Social – nasceu do projeto LASIN – Latin American Social Innovation Network -, financiado pela Comissão Europeia, com o propósito de implementar um modelo de envolvimento Universidade/comunidade, baseado na combinação de atividades curriculares e extra-curriculares, materiais e instrumentos de aprendizagem, treino prático, oficinas e mentorias para reforçar as ligações da universidade com o ambiente social mais amplo (Grupos comunitários, ONGs e/ou OSCIPS, Organizações governamentais, empresas e escolas) com metodologia própria desenvolvida por LASIN.

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Resumo: Todos nós da comunidade acadêmica e escolar tivemos que nos adaptar à utilização de soluções tecnológicas para nos comunicar, socializar e nos relacionar durante o período de pandemia para reproduzir a rotina de uma sala de aula. Com isso, a linguagem audiovisual e o uso de dispositivos portáteis, como smartphones e tablets, que já era uma realidade muito presente em nossa vida, de repente, se tornou fundamental. Essa proximidade foi uma grande motivação que trouxe a memória da frase emblemática do cineasta Glauber Rocha – Uma câmera na mão e uma ideia na cabeça – que inspirou o título deste projeto e que nos faz compreender que atualmente a nossa práxis gira em torno dessa máxima que representa nosso atual cenário social nos hábitos de registrar e compartilhar nossas imagens, nossos áudios, nossos vídeos, seja de forma direta ou indiretamente nas redes sociais. Portanto, este projeto visa atender a uma demanda técnica para auxiliar a produção de conteúdo de divulgação de pesquisas, trabalhos escolares, vídeo aulas, entre outros, de forma que o público participante do projeto conheça detalhes da composição audiovisual. Enfatizar o uso da linguagem audiovisual para acesso ao conhecimento e para a troca de saberes, uma comunicação dialética onde é importante não só transmitir o conhecimento gerado na universidade mas também possibilitar que a sociedade contribua com o seu olhar, seu fazer, sua crítica.

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TítuloApoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas do estado do Rio de Janeiro para o desenvolvimento de trajetórias econômicas sustentáveis
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Resumo: As MPE compõe 92% das empresas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e são responsáveis por mais de 50% dos empregos formais (Brasil, 2020). No entanto, as MPE enfrentam enormes desafios, sobretudo pela amplitude da atual crise sanitária, econômica e social (CNI, 2021; SEBRAE, 2020), colocando em evidencia o modelo econômico dominante, centrado na produção em massa de bens materiais e de performance financeira (Fernandes et al., 2021; Lima & Dias, 2020). Nesse sentido, esse projeto se fundamenta na perspectiva da Economia da Funcionalidade e da Cooperação (EFC), que tem como proposta fornecer soluções integradas de bens e serviços a partir da cooperação entre diferentes atores territoriais, abandonando a noção de escalabilidade e desenvolvendo novos modelos de governança de empresas e territórios (Du Tertre et al., 2019). Essa abordagem interacionista permite um menor consumo de recursos naturais e a renovação do vínculo social, criando resiliência para as relações econômicas, tão fragilizadas diante do cenário atual (Xavier et al., 2021; Roman et al., 2020). Este projeto visa apoiar as Micro e Pequenas Empresas do estado do Rio de Janeiro no desenvolvimento de trajetórias econômicas sustentáveis, criando impacto direto na sociedade e na comunidade científica. Para tanto, visa a formação, acompanhamento e intervenção de dirigentes de empresas para transição de modelo econômico a partir do Modelo da Economia da Funcionalidade e da Cooperação.

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TítuloBoas Práticas de Acolhimento – Saberes, Convivências e Aprendizagens
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Resumo: Entende-se que o acolhimento poderá ampliar sua esfera de atuação, para além do campo psicossocial, podendo alcançar também o contexto socioeconômico, acadêmico, das relações laborais entre outros. Com o passar do tempo, a sobrevivência às situações de adoecimento, outros aspectos do acolhimento foram se apresentando. O acolhimento financeiro, o acolhimento acadêmico, o acolhimento dos conflitos e dificuldades de relacionamentos, o acolhimento laboral pela dificuldade de absorção e entendimento das novas formas de trabalho surgidas. A partir de então, se fez necessário repensar como dar conta de considerar todos esses tipos de acolhimentos. Neste sentido, este projeto pretende evidenciar a importância de compartilhar uma informação que oriente e facilite os indivíduos para o desempenho de ações de acolhimento nos diversos espaços de convivência. Por isso, saberes, convivências e aprendizagens fazem parte de uma via de mão dupla. Ou seja, cada parte tem o que a transmitir, conhecer e se aperfeiçoar com a outra.

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TítuloCapacitação de jovens para o mercado de TI em NF, uma abordagem através de aprendizado ativo: introdução à programação em Python
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: Este curso é uma ação prevista no projeto de Extensão “Ensino Hibrido: Desafios e perspectivas nas engenharias e no ensino básico” já registrado no SIGA, pela COPPE. O projeto de extensão registrado no SIGA tem como um dos seus objetivos a criação de cursos em áreas chave para o desenvolvimento do Estado e de acordo com a experiência multidisciplinar da COPPE. Através de uma parceria com a Ong Ideas de Friburgo que proporcionou a infraestrutura necessária (espaço físico, computadores, pessoal local, etc.) foi criado um local para treinamento de jovens oriundos de escolas públicas do segundo grau. A ideia do curso surgiu durante a elaboração de disciplinas de programação para um curso avançado de técnicas de Inteligência Artificial com o formato hibrido baseado no Aprendizado Voltado a Projetos (PBL, projeto FAPERJ) de forma a que a experiência do projeto em PBL fosse aplicada a jovens alunos. O curso visa introduzir os jovens em linguagens modernas de computação, e fornecer o treinamento essencial para que o aluno da rede pública de ensino possa mais facilmente ingressar no mercado de trabalho local. Os alunos selecionados têm a oportunidade de aprender programação na prática, com base na linguagem Python, para melhor entender e tentar propor soluções a problemas reais e da cidade de Friburgo quando possível. O curso visa também fornecer incentivos para que os egressos possam continuar os estudos em tópicos adicionais de tecnologias da computação.

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TítuloDisseminação das aplicações da Engenharia Nuclear no âmbito da sustentabilidade ambiental
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: Em sua Décima Edição, a Semana do Meio Ambiente da BR Marinas integra em sua agenda o Dia Mundial do Oceano, inserindo-se no contexto da Década do Oceano da ONU. Este evento conta com os apoios do Núcleo de Vida Marinha e do Centro de Educação Ambiental da Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro e da Cátedra UNESCO para a Sustentabilidade do Oceano, trazendo para o público carioca a importância dos Oceanos na mitigação das Mudanças Climáticas, o debate sobre a biodiversidade e as potencialidades do Oceano, e a integração entre Ciência, Educação, Políticas Públicas e Sociedade Civil. Ademais, serão incorporadas pela primeira vez aplicações nucleares e atômicas de medidas para englobar a temática em tela com cujo acadêmico-cientifico. E, por fim, teremos uma ação de Sensibilização Ambiental será realizada através da promoção de um Mutirão de Limpeza com foco nos resíduos sólidos do entorno da Marina da Glória, incluindo o Lixo Marinho, com a participação de voluntários.

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TítuloDroneiros Vonluntários
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Resumo: Em 2022, os desastres causaram mais de 30,704 mortes e com 185 milhões de pessoas afetadas, e prejuízos de 223.8 bilhões de dólares segundo o Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). No Brasil, entre 2011 a 2022, especificamente no Rio de Janeiro, houve 591 ocorrências de desastres, resultando em 987 mortes e afetando 3,9 milhões de pessoas, e prejuízos econômicos superior a R$ 3,08 bilhões (Atlas digital de desastres no Brasil, 2023). Tais dados demonstram a importância e a complexidade das Operações Humanitárias e de Desastres (OHD), as quais envolvem o acesso as áreas afetadas, a coordenação de diversos stakeholders e falta de recursos. Assim surge o projeto Droneiros Voluntários, idealizado no âmbito do Programa de Engenharia de Produção da COPPE/CT/UFRJ de forma a auxiliar a escassez de recursos humanos e tecnológicos na resposta a desastres. O projeto conta com uma plataforma tecnológica que atua como um facilitador, unindo proprietários de drones, defesa civil e outras organizações no desenvolvimento de ações de mapeamento de áreas de risco e afetadas por desastres, promovendo uma colaboração entre stakeholders mais eficaz e eficiente no contexto de OHD. Nesse sentido, o projeto atua no engajamento e promoção da troca de conhecimento entre os diferentes atores tratados como público alvo, promovendo OHD eficazes e mais eficientes, com integração entre diferentes áreas de conhecimento científico e pesquisadores de diferentes níveis que atuam em OHD.

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Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: A InSilicoNet é um espaço de colaboração onde diversos atores da sociedade são convidados a trazer seus problemas técnicos para construir, em conjunto com os membros acadêmicos, soluções tecnológicas inovadoras baseadas em ferramentas digitais. Está estruturado como uma rede de sete Universidades do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, UERJ, PUC-Rio, UFF, UFRRJ e SENAI CETIQT) e profissionais de engenharia com experiência na área de engenharia de sistemas em processos (Process Systems Engineering, PSE). A InSilicoNet tem a missão de promover o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico comprometidos não apenas com o desempenho econômico, mas com os impactos sociais e ambientais por meio de atividades de extensão integradas a iniciativas de pesquisa e ensino em PSE, contemplando: a) Fábrica de Aprendizagem, que desenvolve competências e habilidades de discentes de graduação e pós-graduação para o trabalho colaborativo empregando PSE na solução de problemas tecnológicos, sociais e ambientais tratáveis por ferramentas de engenharia digital; b) Oferta de cursos de extensão que promovam competência para o desenvolvimento de pesquisa, tecnologia e inovação; e c) Projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento integrando discentes de graduação e pós-graduação sob orientação acadêmica e mentoria por indústrias, organizações e/ou governos.

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TítuloRede Refugia
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Resumo: O Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) revela que em 2022 o mundo ultrapassou a marca de 100 milhões de pessoas em deslocamento forçado, motivados por inúmeras razões. No Brasil, desde 2011 foram realizadas 297.712 solicitações de reconhecimento da condição de refugiado. Devido a sua complexidade e alta quantidade de pessoas afetadas, a crise humanitária de refugiados precisa ser enfrentada pelos governos em comunhão com a sociedade civil e o setor privado, a fim de se garantir que as pessoas em deslocamento forçado tenham seus direitos humanos protegidos durante um processo de acolhimento efetivo e atento às suas necessidades. Assim, interessados em auxiliar no enfrentamento brasileiro à crise migratória, a Rede Refugia foi idealizada no âmbito do Programa de Engenharia de Produção da COPPE/CT/UFRJ. Trata-se de uma plataforma tecnológica colaborativa que objetiva facilitar o processo de acolhimento, proteção e integração de pessoas em deslocamento forçado que estão no Brasil. Dessa forma busca-se fortalecer os processos de colaboração mútua entre refugiados, solicitantes de refúgio, apátridas, poder público, entidades privadas, organizações humanitárias e outros stakeholders. Por meio de um processo de inovação social, a Rede Refugia busca fomentar um ambiente que favoreça a implementação de soluções inovadoras para os problemas vivenciados pelas pessoas em deslocamento forçado vivendo em solo brasileiro.

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Agendamento com a GRH

Setor da COPPE responsável pela orientação aos funcionários, no tocante a direitos e deveres em sua vida funcional, além de promover diversas ações que contribuem para capacitação profissional e bem-estar dos trabalhadores.
A Equipe é formada por profissionais da área de Administração, Recursos Humanos e Pedagogia, que estão prontos para atender a força de trabalho COPPE.


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Agendamento de Espaço

O serviço de Agendamento de Espaço é fornecido pelo Setor de Eventos Institucionais e Operação, e deve ser solicitado por meio do Sistema de Administração Predial, pelo Entrada Única.

Este serviço realiza o agendamento para uso dos seguintes espaços:

  • Auditório G-122
  • Auditório bloco M – anexo
  • Grêmio da Coppe
  • Tenda do auditório G-122

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Resíduos Químicos

O serviço de Retirada de Resíduo Químico é fornecido pela Gerência de Segurança do Trabalho, Meio Ambiente e Saúde, e deve ser solicitado por meio do Sistema de Segurança, Meio Ambiente e Saúde, pelo Entrada Única.

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Segurança Patrimonial

O serviço de Segurança Patrimonial é fornecido pelo Grupo de Apoio de Segurança Patrimonial, e deve ser solicitado conforme as orientações abaixo:

  • Em caso de furto, roubo ou agressão, ligar para a sala de segurança da Coppe no ramal: 8457 ou 2560-8858.
  • Em caso de furto ou roubo de patrimônio, ligar para a Divisão de Segurança da UFRJ – DISEG: 3938-1900 e setor de segurança da Coppe, ramal: 8457 ou 2560-8858.


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Gestão Eletrônica de Documentos

O serviço de Gestão Eletrônica de Documentos é fornecido pela Gerência de Documentação, e deve ser solicitado em contato direto com o setor, de forma presencial, na sala I-125A.

Este serviço contempla a preservação e acesso dos documentos em meios físico e eletrônico da COPPE.

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Limpeza de Espaços

O serviço de Limpeza de Espaço é fornecido pelo Setor de Administração Predial e deve ser solicitado por meio do Sistema de Administração Predial, pelo Entrada Única.

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Projetos de Arquitetura

O serviço de Elaboração de Projeto de Arquitetura é fornecido pelo Grupo de Apoio de Arquitetura e Engenharia, e deve ser solicitado por meio de envio por e-mail do formulário de Solicitação de Projeto de Arquitetura.

Este serviço contempla a elaboração do projeto conforme a solicitação, e inclui: levantamento do local, estudo preliminar para ser aprovado pelo Prof. Responsável e desenvolvimento do projeto.

E-mail para solicitação:

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Sistemas da DPADI

O serviço de Manutenção e acesso a Sistemas Administrativos é fornecido pelo CISI, e deve ser solicitado por meio da gerência do próprio setor.
Este serviço está disponível para toda a Coppe.

Os Sistemas Administrativos da DPADI estão disponíveis por meio do Entrada Única.

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Infraestrutura e Redes

O serviço de Manutenção de Infraestrutura e Redes é fornecido pelo CISI, e deve ser solicitado por meio do sistema de Helpdesk do CISI, que possibilita uma maior agilidade e transparência no atendimento do suporte técnico. A ferramenta adotada para implantação deste sistema foi o software livre OcoMon.

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Manutenção Predial

O serviço de Manutenção Predial é fornecido pelo Setor de Infraestrutura, e deve ser solicitado por meio do Sistema de Manutenção, pelo Entrada Única.

Este sistema contempla a solicitação dos seguintes serviços: Conserto de ar central, conserto de ar de janela, conserto de ar tipo split, conserto de refrigerador, instalação de ar tipo split, serviço de elétrica, serviço de hidráulica, serviço de lustrador, serviço de pintura, serviço de serralheria, serviços de marcenaria, serviços de obras civis, serviços gerais, troca de disjuntor, troca de lâmpadas

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O serviço de Incorporação / Baixa de Patrimônio é fornecido pelo Setor de Patrimônio, e deve ser solicitado conforme as orientações abaixo:

Como faço para fazer uma baixa?

Enviar uma carta ao Setor solicitando a baixa , descrevendo o bem, mencionando o nº da plaqueta COPPE e nº da UFRJ.

Como faço para fazer uma transferência?

Enviar uma carta ao Setor de Patrimônio solicitando a transferência do bem , com a descrição do mesmo e o nome do laboratório que ficará responsável.

Como faço para fazer uma doação?

Fazer uma carta ao Setor de Patrimônio solicitando a doação , enviando os documentos onde o Setor de Patrimônio fará a abertura de processo para dar encaminhamento ao Conselho de Curadores da UFRJ para autorização.

Como faço (alunos/doutorandos) para patrimoniar?

Enviar a nota fiscal junto com o formulário e o vínculo com a Instituição (TERMO DE CONCESSÃO E ACEITAÇÃO DE BOLSA ou TERMO DE OUTORGA ao Setor de Patrimônio .

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Agendamento de Transporte

O serviço de Agendamento de Transporte é fornecido pela Gerência de Logística Institucional e Operação.

Este serviço é atualmente administrado pela Divisão de Frota Oficial, sendo a Gerência de Logística Institucional e Operação responsável pela interface de agendamento do serviço para os usuários da Coppe.

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O serviço de Solicitação de Material ao Almoxarifado é fornecido pelo Setor de Almoxarifado, e deve ser solicitado por meio do Sistema de Movimentação de Material, pelo link Entrada Única

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Descarte de Materiais

O serviço de Descarte de Materiais e Equipamentos pode ser fornecido por diversos setores, conforme a especificação do material a ser descartado.



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Terapias no Acolhe COPPE


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Atividades de Saúde e Bem Estar


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Agendamento de Espaços do Grêmio

Para reserva de locação do salão de eventos da sede do Grêmio ou do campo de futebol para qualquer atividade a ser realizada no local, deve-se seguir os procedimentos adotados na página do grêmio.


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Action name: Hybrid Education: Challenges and perspectives in engineering and basic education
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About the action: The COVID-19 pandemic enforced a drastic transition from the traditional teaching model to strictly online classes, having required a great effort to prepare and offer courses to students ranging from primary to higher education, since only a few were prepared to deal with technologies for online teaching. Even months after social distancing started, the in-person to online transition was not a trivial process, especially when it came to maintaining the quality of the courses offered in this new modality. This process taught us one important lesson: it is necessary that we permanently invest in implementing innovative/efficient technologies for improved teaching and learning. As such, this project aims to support public education in the state of Rio de Janeiro, from basic education to higher Education in engineering at other universities. With a hybrid learning modality, our purpose is to develop resources and courses that incorporate active learning methods, flipped classrooms, multimodality, etc.

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Action name: Prof. Giulio Massarani Pilot School of Chemical Engineering
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About the action: The Pilot School for In-Person Education (EPP) in Chemical Engineering was created in 1993 by our Program of Chemical Engineering (PEQ/COPPE) as a tool for improvement and continuing education. It was very beneficial for high school and undergraduate teachers, but also very popular with students, technicians, and industry workers in general. This edition of EPP is called ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION and will comprise 10 modules. It consists in teaching cutting-edge methods for characterizing various types of materials, discussing the fundamentals of such techniques, and exemplifying them with real-world data. The modules are as follows: Module 1: Spectroscopy techniques (FTIR, DRIFTS, RAMAN, and UV-vis); Module 2: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); Module 3: X-ray diffraction (XRD); Module 4: Mass spectrometry and temperature-programmed reduction (MS and TPR); Module 5: Gel permeation chromatography (GPC); Module 6: Droplet and particle size analysis; Module 7: Gas and liquid chromatography troubleshooting methods; Module 8: Aspects of petroleum characterization; Module 9: Thermal analysis - TGA, DSC, and DMA; Module 10: Biotechnology in everyday life.

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Action name: Laboratory for Informatics and Society – LabIS
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About the action: LabIS stems from the long journey traversed by the work and research of Informatics and Society (IS), a line of research from our Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program (PESC). We are driven by the desire to better comprehend the many faces of our society, seeking to contribute towards more equality and fairness. We develop software for accessibility (LibrasOffice), educational games (Damática), community banks (Mumbuca and Preventório) and offer programming courses for public high school students.

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Action name: Literacy for Youth, Adults, and the Elderly of COPPE/UFRJ
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About the action: Literacy for Youth, Adults, and the Elderly is a project for all those who are not literate and those who did not have access to or did not complete primary and/or lower secondary school at the corresponding age. It was created in 2005 by COPPE's Department of Social Development, based on a survey of civil servants and outsourced workers involved in cleaning and general services. We extended our research to other units and sectors of our university. Today, our students are civil servants and outsourced workers at UFRJ, most of whom work at the Technology Center, and citizens who live near Ilha do Fundão, mainly in Vila Residencial and Complexo da Maré. Our classes are held at the Technology Center for the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Literacy classes, Monday to Friday, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Action name: Polymers in Oil and Gas – Additives
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About the action: our action comprises theoretical and practical classes on obtaining, characterizing, and analyzing the properties of polymers in solution, as well as their applications as additives in the petroleum industry.

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Action name: Polymers: applications and awareness
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About the action: Plastic recycling has become a very important matter, since over 60% of all plastic produced globally has already become waste but only 9% has been recycled. In Brazil, the situation is even more alarming. A recent WWF report states that Brazil is the fourth largest producer of plastic waste worldwide, with a recycling rate of less than 2%. Our policies for recycling and environmental education are still insufficient and poorly publicized. Furthermore, plastics have recently been made out to be villains, making it increasingly desirable that these materials are banned. However, it is worth remembering that plastics are polymers with high value-added, low production costs, and very versatile properties. When recycled, they can be reinserted into the production chain, which enables the production of new materials and boosts the energy industry. As such, our project aims to guide and encourage students from public and private schools to reproduce the concept of recycling in their schools, families, and communities. We hold online lectures and fun activities that stimulate the reuse and proper disposal of plastic waste, preventing it from being disposed of in inappropriate places.

For more information about our activities, click here to go to our website.
For more information on our work and laboratories, including those related to our outreach project, go to the Instagram page of the EngePol Group (PEQ/COPPE/UFRJ)

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Action name: A Program for Community Business Incubation – Social Innovation in EES (Solidarity Economy Business) Incubators
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About the action: Since its creation, the ITCP/COPPE (Technology Business Incubator for Community Cooperatives) has been working to support community-based enterprises, aiming at meeting the needs of the working class and informal workers, which have historically been marginalized and excluded from social actions developed by the government. The new challenges of today require new techniques and tools. As such, this is a proposal that researches innovative business incubation methodologies for the purpose of improving the activities of the incubated enterprises and providing continuity to the actions developed by ITCP/COPPE. Ultimately, implementing such new methodologies will improve the quality of Solidarity Economy Businesses.

 More information on the ITCP/COPPE/UFRJ website.

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Action name: Espaço COPPE Miguel de Simoni
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About the action: We promote a guided tour of the Espaço COPPE exhibitions, primarily arranged for high school students from the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area. The visiting groups of students are accompanied by teachers from their corresponding schools. Environments such as Espaço COPPE are driven by science and technology and provide key elements in fostering intrinsically motivated learning. For instance, building personal meaning, taking up challenging tasks, learning to collaborate, and recognizing the positive feelings that come from the efforts we made can potentially induce the formation of new, sometimes more intense bonds.

Espaço COPPE website.

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Contact information: and

About the action: Our course aims to develop, implement, maintain, continuously improve, and internally audit quality management systems as required by the NBR-ISO:9001 standards and to implement good practices in management according to the criteria defined in the Model for Management Excellence (MEG) of the Brazilian Foundation for Quality (FNQ). The course is related to the CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR CIVIL SERVANTS program

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About the action: Our course aims to develop, implement, maintain, continuously improve, and internally audit quality management systems as required by the NBR-ISO:9001 standards and to implement good practices in management according to the criteria defined in the Model for Management Excellence (MEG-TR) proposed by SEGES/Brazilian Ministry of Economy. The course is related to the CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR CIVIL SERVANTS program.

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Action name: UBUNTU.lab - Open innovation program in smart cities to reduce racial inequality in Rio de Janeiro
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About the action: Project BRA/15/010 – Strengthening and Expanding the National System for Racial Equality is an effort from the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights (MMFDH) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aimed at decentralizing public policies on racial equality and strengthening and expanding the National System for Racial Equality (Sinapir). The COPPETEC Foundation was one of the organizations selected through the U.Lab project to provide the Local Government of Rio de Janeiro with a government innovation laboratory. Its purpose is to be replicable as a policy to promote racial equality within the Local Sustainable Development Plan at the time of its implementation, as developed by the Office of Planning from the Municipal Chief of Staff's Secretariat (EPL). Within the framework of Sinapir, this project aims to provide the municipality of Rio de Janeiro with a government innovation program that puts black youth at the forefront of technology and is capable of promoting well-being in their daily lives.

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Action name: Support Unit for Social Innovation – USIS
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About the action: Social innovation is a key aspect to development. The Support Unit for Social Innovation (USIS/UFRJ) is a result of the Latin American Social Innovation Network (LASIN), which is a project funded by the European Commission, aimed at implementing a university-community engagement model based on a combination of curricular and extra-curricular activities, learning materials and tools, practical training, workshops, and mentorship, with its own methodology developed by LASIN, to strengthen the connection of universities with a wider social environment (community groups, NGOs and/or OSCIPS (Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest),

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TítuloObservatório de Bancos Comunitários e Moedas Sociais Digitais UFRJ
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: O Observatório de Bancos Comunitários e Moedas Sociais Digitais UFRJ visa visibilizar, fortalecer e refletir sobre tais experiências, seja na promoção de espaços de debate e de ensino-aprendizagem, seja no desenvolvimento de tecnologias com os coletivos envolvidos. Inspira-se na (e em articula-se com a) rede formada por pesquisadores extensionistas iniciada em 2020, o Observatório de Bancos Comunitários e Moedas Sociais (OBM). Este reúne pesquisadores engajados em aliar seus conhecimentos acadêmicos com as atividades práticas de bancos comunitários e moedas sociais do Brasil, nas perspectivas da escuta dos coletivos envolvidos, do engajamento extensionista e da análise das práticas dos coletivos envolvidos. “Bancos Comunitários são serviços financeiros solidários, em rede, de natureza associativa e comunitária, voltados para a geração de trabalho e renda na perspectiva de reorganização das economias locais”. Reúnem práticas e princípios, como a concessão de microcrédito para produção e consumo locais, sempre que possível em moedas sociais (válidas em um território restrito e com paridade com o Real)( No Brasil, tais bancos tiveram como experiência pioneira o Banco Palmas (Fortaleza, 1998) e acumulam mais de 150 iniciativas. Com a digitalização de suas moedas sociais, inspiraram e articularam-se com políticas públicas de transferência de renda, notadamente no Estado do RJ.

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Título: MOB4.0 - Hub de planejamento inteligente da mobilidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: O acesso às tecnologias de comunicação e informação oferece uma gama diversa de instrumentos de coleta de dados capazes de acompanhar o posicionamento de pessoas e objetos no espaço e registrar o seus deslocamentos ao longo do tempo. Compondo este conjunto de instrumentos, destacam-se os dispositivos de IoT (Internet of Things, em inglês e, traduzido para o português, Internet das Coisas), aplicativos, registros de utilização de serviços inteligentes (e.g. cartões, terminais) como potenciais fontes de dados para o planejamento, gestão, operação e monitorização dos serviços de transportes. Nesse contexto, o presente curso tem o propósito de validar o potencial do estado da arte em termos de instrumentos inteligentes de coleta de dados no campo do planejamento da mobilidade urbana para a construção de um ecossistema de planejamento inteligente da mobilidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Metodologicamente, programa de capacitação para a regulamentação, contratação e uso de ferramentas analíticas e bases de dados sobre o mesmo tema se realiza através do desenvolvimento e validação de uma plataforma informacional voltada para o planejamento da mobilidade de forma inteligente, inclusiva e sustentável com foco nos municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e um programa de capacitação para a regulamentação, contratação e uso de ferramentas analíticas e bases de dados sobre o mesmo tema.

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TítuloEAD Baixo Carbono: Energias Renováveis no Oceano
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: Estamos aumentando o volume de carbono na atmosfera, o que representa um risco para a sociedade, e isso irá gerar um impacto mundial muito grande. No curso de Baixo Carbono, oferecido pela COPPE/UFRJ, vamos apresentar formas de reduzir esse impacto através das soluções de baixo carbono, mostrar a importância e necessidade de se ter tecnologias de baixo carbono.

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TítuloEAD Baixo Carbono: Mudanças Climáticas
Contato do coordenador:

Resumo: Estamos aumentando o volume de carbono na atmosfera, o que representa um risco para a sociedade, e isso irá gerar um impacto mundial muito grande. No curso de Baixo Carbono, oferecido pela COPPE/UFRJ, vamos apresentar formas de reduzir esse impacto através das soluções de baixo carbono, mostrar a importância e necessidade de se ter tecnologias de baixo carbono.

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Action name: “Y’KNOW”?! my camera in my hand and an idea in my head – audiovisual language as free expression in the dialectic construction within the space between university, school and society
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About the action: All of us from the academic and school community had to adapt ourselves to the use of technological solutions in order to communicate, socialize and engage with each other during the pandemic while aiming towards reproducing a classroom routine. As a result, audiovisual language and the use of portable devices such as smartphones and tablets, which were already a very present reality in our lives, suddenly became fundamental. This proximity was a great motivation that brought to memory the emblematic quote from filmmaker Glauber Rocha – A camera in hand and an idea in my head – which inspired the name of this project and makes us comprehend that our current practice revolves around this idea which represents our current social scenario in the habits of registering and sharing our images, voice messages, our videos, whether directly or indirectly on social media. Therefore, this project aims to meet a technical demand to assist in the production of content regarding the dissemination of research, school work, video lessons, among others, in a way that the audience participating in the project is familiar with the details of audiovisual composition. Emphasizing the use of audiovisual language as a vehicle for learning and sharing knowledge, a dialectical communication where it is important not only to transmit the knowledge generated at universities but also enable society to contribute with its gaze, its action and its criticism.

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Action name: Support for Micro and Small Companies in the state of Rio de Janeiro for the development of sustainable economic trajectories
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About the action: SMEs make up 92% of companies in the State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and are responsible for over 50% of formal employment (Brazil, 2020). However, as SMEs face huge challenges, especially due to the extent of the current health, economic and social crisis (CNI, 2021; SEBRAE, 2020), highlighting the dominant economic model, centered around the mass production of material assets and financial statement (Fernandes et al., 2021; Lima & Dias, 2020). In this sense, this project is based on the perspective of the Economy of Functionality and Cooperation (EFC), which aims to provide integrated solutions for assets and services through the cooperation between different territorial actors, abandoning the notion of stability and developing new governance models for companies and territories (Du Tertre et al., 2019). This interactionist approach allows for less consumption of natural resources and a renewal of social bonds, creating resilience for economic relations, which have been so fragile due to the current scenario (Xavier et al., 2021; Roman et al., 2020). This project aims to support Micro and Small companies in the state of Rio de Janeiro in developing sustainable economic trajectories, creating a direct impact on society and the scientific community. To this end, it aims to train, monitor and intervene with business leaders for the transition of their economic model based on the Economy of the Functionality and Cooperation Model.

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Action name: Best Practices on Emotional Care – Knowledge, Coexistence and Learning
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About the action: It is understood that when providing care, one can expand the scope of its action beyond the psychosocial field, therefore also reaching the socioeconomic, academic and employment relations context, among others. Over time, other aspects of the care being provided started to emerge, as a way to survive situations of illness, such as financial care, academic care, care regarding relationship conflicts and challenges, as well as regarding labor due to the difficulty in absorbing and comprehending the new emerging work forms. From then on, it has been necessary to rethink a way to encompass all of these different types of care. In this sense, this project intends to highlight the importance of sharing information that directs and helps individuals in performing actions of care in several mutual commonspaces. Therefore, knowledge, coexistence and learning are a part of two-way street, meaning that each part has something to transmit, learn and improve with the other.

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Action name: Training youngsters for the IT market in Nova Friburgo, an approach through active learning: introduction to Python programming
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About the action: This course is an action provided for in the Outreach Project: “Hybrid Education: Challenges and perspectives in engineering and basic education”, which is already registered in SIGA, by COPPE. The outreach project registered in SIGA has as one of its goals to create courses in key areas for the development of the State and in accordance with COPPE’s multidisciplinary experience. Through a partnership with the Ideias de Friburgo NGO, which provided the necessary infrastructure (physical space, computers, local staff, etc), a space for training youngsters with a public high school background was created. The idea for the course emerged during the development of programming classes for an advanced course in Artificial Intelligence techniques with a hybrid format based on Project-Based Learning (PBL, FAPERJ project) so that the experience of the PBL project was applied to young students. The course aims to introduce the youngsters to modern computer languages as well as provide essential training in order to enable the public school student to enter the local job market more easily. Selected students have the opportunity to learn programming in practice, based on the Python language, to better understand and try to propose solutions to real problems in the city of Friburgo when possible. The course also aims to provide incentive so that egressed students can continue their studies in additional topics of computer technology.

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Action name: The Dissemination of Nuclear Engineering Applications in the field of environmental sustainability
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About the action: In its Tenth Edition, BR Marinas’ Environment Week integrates World Ocean Day in its agenda, inserting it within the context of the UN's Ocean Decade. This event is supported by Núcleo de Vida Marinha, Environmental Education Center of Rio de Janeiro's State Environment Department and UNESCO Chair for Ocean Sustainability, bringing awareness to the people of Rio about the importance of the Oceans in mitigating Climate Change, the debate on biodiversity and Ocean potentials, and the integration between Science, Education, Public Policies and Civil Society. Furthermore, nuclear and atomic applications shall be incorporated for the first time as measures to encompass the academic-scientific theme in question. Lastly, we shall hold an Environmental Awareness action which shall be carried out through the promotion of a major Clean-Up Campaign focusing on solid waste in the surroundings of Marina da Glória, including Marine Litter, with the participation of volunteers.

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Action name: Volunteer Drone Pilots
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About the action: In 2022, disasters caused over 30,704 deaths, affected 185 million people, and induced economic losses of 223.8 billion dollars according to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). In Brazil, between 2011 and 2022, specifically in  Rio de Janeiro, there have been 591 disaster occurrences, resulting in 987 deaths, affecting around 3,9 million people and inducing economic losses of over R$3,08 billion (Digital atlas of disasters in Brazil, 2023). Such data demonstrates the importance and complexity of Humanitarian and Disasters Operations (OHD), which involve access to affected areas, coordination of several stakeholders and lack of resources. Thus, the Volunteer Drone Pilots project was created, idealized within the scope of the COPPE/CT/UFRJ Industrial Engineering Program in order to help with the shortage of human and technological resources in disaster response. The project has a technological platform that acts as a facilitator, uniting drone owners, civil defense and other organizations in the development of actions to map areas at risk and affected by disasters, promoting more effective and efficient collaboration between stakeholders in the context of OHD. In this sense, the project works to engage and promote knowledge exchange among the different actors treated as target audience, promoting effective and more efficient OHD, with the integration of different scientific knowledge areas and researchers of different levels who act in OHD.

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About the action: InSilicoNet is a collaboration space where diverse actors from society are invited to bring their technical problems to build, together with academic members, innovative technological solutions based on digital tools. It is structured  as a network of seven Universities of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, UERJ, PUC-Rio, UFF, UFRRJ and SENAI CETIQT) and engineering professionals with experience in the area of process systems engineering (PSE). InSilicoNet have a mission to promote the scientific and technological development committed not only to the economic performance, but also to the social and environmental impacts through outreach activities integrated to research and teaching initiatives in PSE, contemplating: a) Learning Factory, which develops skills and abilities of undergraduate and graduate students for collaborative work employing PSE to solve technological, social and environmental problems treatable by digital engineering tools; b) Offering outreach courses that promote competence for developing research, technology and innovation; c) Research and Development Projects integrating undergraduate and graduate students under academic supervision and mentoring by industries, organizations and/or governments.

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Action name: Rede Refugia
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About the action: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reveals that in 2022 the world surpassed the mark of 100 million people in forced displacement, motivated by numerous reasons. In Brazil, since 2011 297.712 requests for the recognition of refugee status have been made. Due to its complexity and high amount of people affected, the humanitarian refugee crisis has to be addressed by governments in partnership with civil society and the private sector, in order to ensure that people in forced displacement have their human rights protected during an effective reception process that is attentive to their needs. Thus, those interested in helping Brazil face its migration crisis, Rede Refugia was created within the scope of the Industrial Engineering Program at COPPE/CT/UFRJ. It is a collaborative technological platform that aims to facilitate the process of reception, protection and integration of these people in forced displacement who are in Brazil. In this way, we seek to strengthen the mutual collaboration processes among refugees, asylum seekers, stateless people, public authorities, private entities, humanitarian organizations and other stakeholders. Through a social innovation process, Rede Refugia aims to foster an environment that favors the implementation of innovative solutions to the problems experienced by people in forced displacement living in Brazilian territory.

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Action name: UFRJ Observatory of Community Bank and Digital Local Currency
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About the action: The UFRJ Observatory of Community Bank and Digital Local Currency aims to make such experiences visible as well as strengthen and reflect on them, whether by promoting spaces for debate and teaching-learning or by developing technologies with the involved groups. It is inspired by (and works in tandem with) the network formed by science outreach researchers which began in 2020, the Observatory of Community Bank and Local Currency (OBM). This network brings together researchers engaged in allying their academic knowledge with the practical activities of community banks and social currency in Brazil, from the perspective of listening to the involved groups, engaging in outreach work and analysing the practices of the groups involved. “Community Banks are solidarity-based financial services, in a network, of an associative and communitary nature, aimed at generating work and income with a perspective of reorganizing local economies”. They bring together practices and principles, such as a microcredit granting for local production and consumption, whenever possible, in social currencies (valid in a restricted territory and at par with the Real)( In Brazil, such banks had Banco Palmas (Fortaleza, 1998) as their pioneering experience and accumulated more than 150 initiatives. With the digitalization of their social currencies, they inspired and worked in tandem with public policies for income transfer, notably in the State of RJ.

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Action name: MOB4.0 – Hub of smart planning of the mobility of the state of Rio de Janeiro
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About the action: Access to information and communication technologies offers a diverse range of data collection instruments capable of tracking the positioning of people and objects in space and recording their movements over time. Composing this set of instruments, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, applications and records of the use of smart services (e.g. cards, terminals) stand out as potential sources of data for the planning, management, operation, and monitoring of transportation services. In this context, the present course aims to validate the potential of the state of art in terms of intelligent data collection tools within the field of urban mobility planning for the construction of an ecosystem of intelligent mobility planning in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Methodologically, the training program for the regulation, hiring and use of analytical tools and databases on the same topic is carried out through the development and validation of an information platform aimed at planning mobility in an intelligent, inclusive and sustainable way, focusing on the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

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Action name: EAD Low Carbon: Offshore renewable energy
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About the action: We are increasing the volume of carbon in the atmosphere, which poses a risk to society and will generate a major global impact. In the Low Carbon course, offered by COPPE/UFRJ, we will present ways to reduce this impact through low carbon solutions, showing the importance and need for low carbon technologies.

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Action name: EAD Low Carbon: Climate Change
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About the action: We are increasing the volume of carbon in the atmosphere, which poses a risk to society and will generate a major global impact. In the Low Carbon course, offered by COPPE/UFRJ, we will present ways to reduce this impact through low carbon solutions, showing the importance and need for low carbon technologies.

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